I have spent over 20 years in the Health and Safety field with the motto "Everyone Goes Home Every Day."
That's the goal. We do this by:
1. Assessing our hazards.
2. Improving our work process so people aren't put at risk.
3. Buying the equipment to do the job right.
4. Training staff that the expectation is to not take shortcuts but to do the job the way you were trained.
5. And then appropriately supervise staff so that we know work is going as intended, staff know we care and are inspecting, we hear staff's viewpoints, we reassess everything periodically, and continue improving the work environment.
Safety is a journey. No process is ever "done."
Now with that being said I've created a bunch of programs and training materials. They are here for you to use. For free. The right way to do it is download it and then customize it for your work environment. It's on you to make it appropriate for your students.
By the way, this is the best way to create safety documents. Don't try to start from scratch. Whatever you are doing someone has already considered those issues. Go online, type in what type of safety plan you are looking for. Copy someone elses as a starting point and then customize it to fit your site.
Ergomonics is about making the world fit you. Doing work with bad posture/body mechanics means you are more likely to get hurt, do it poorly, or work harder than you should.
Below are a few good resources.
The book I wrote. I think it's pretty dang good.
The lifting class is the best in the world. I'm not kidding.
Workplace violence is a sad fact. People have difficulty with relationships and handling issues in their world. Add to that substance abuse and corruptive peer groups/media sources as newer issues and it's not difficult to see how things can escalate out of control.
The good news is that if employees report, managers act, Human Resources does their job, and even an Employee Assistance Program is utilized you can keep work a safe place.
Ok, here's an easy one. You have visitors to your site. Some sites have hazards so you should do a quick training for them and maybe have them sign something. Here's an example of one site's document I wrote.
There are seasonal challenges for every site and a quick reminder topic to bring those hazards to mind can be helpful after the long spring, summer, and fall. Here's an example of one I wrote.
Keeping safety in the front of staffs minds is a challenge. One gimmick I used were catch phrases. Posted on a wall each month, at the the beginning of a safety topic, or placed where supervisors or employees can see them.